Phil & I relocated to Didcot in July 2013. Not knowing the
area or anybody and with Phil at work I had to find new
interests & friends and one organisation I wanted to
investigate was The Twinning Association. We went along
to the Clubs & Societies Day and met a few of the
committee & decided to become involved. Both of us are
Francophiles & have a little knowledge of Germany.
The social evenings organised at Cornerstone were a way
in which we began to get to know a few other members of
the Association and who also gave us more information
about what was involved. I went along to Ladygrove
School’s special assembly for the School Exchange then
taking place with Geoff, Peter & the Mayor. It brought back
happy memories of participating in school exchanges and
reminded me of the sheer hard work put into organising this
by all of those involved. We were also invited to a meal
with two of the visiting French teachers & again that gave
us more opportunity to get to know people and speak
French. Attending the AGM, I agreed to stand for the
Committee, no chance for second thoughts – an immediate
vote and that was that!
We are also participating in the visit to Planegg in
September and look forward to being able to host both
French & German visitors in time.
As a newcomer to the area, it is another wonderful way to
meet different people, make new friends, to broaden one’s
horizons, not just locally but also in Meylan & Planegg.
Hopefully when we have the opportunity to be hosts we will
be able to give our visitors an experience that they will
enjoy and help the Association go from strength to strength.